
Global & Local Ministries We Support

And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the


least of these my

brothers, you did it to me.’
Matthew 25:40

Southern Baptist Convention

Trinity Baptist Church was founded in 1984 and chartered in 1985 by a group of baptists committed to adhering to the Baptist Faith & Message 2000. Today we remain in cooperation with many other baptist churches worldwide and contribute to the Cooperative Program for missions in our nation and around the world through the entities of the Southern Baptist Convention, including but not limited to the International Mission Board (supported also by the annual Lottie Moon Christmas Offering), the North American Mission Board (supported also by the annual Annie Armstrong Easter Offering), our six theological seminaries, and more. Visit 

Tennessee Baptist Mission Board

As a financial contributor to the TBMB, we also cooperate and support ministries throughout our State such as State Mission efforts (Golden Offering for Tennessee Missions) of church revitalization, planting, and outreach, the Tennessee Baptist Children's Home & Tennessee Baptist Adult Home for adults with special needs. Visit 

Holston Baptist Association

Trinity is one of over fifty baptist churches in our Upper-East Tennessee region who make up the Holston Baptist Association, which comes alongside churches to enable local ministry in our cities, local universities through the Baptist Collegiate Ministries and our local Baptist Center. 

Operation Christmas Child

Like many churches throughout the country we participate annually in packing shoeboxes of gifts for Operation Christmas Child (a ministry of Samaritan's Purse). Trinity also serves as a regional drop-off location for Collection Week each November. Visit 


We also join hands with fellow churches in Jonesborough of other denominations for the purpose of supplying and running the Jonesborough Area Ministerial Association, which provides food and goods to those in need around us throughout the year. We come together one evening in December to raise support for this ministry at Trinity's worship center through the sharing of Christmas music from each church that participates.

Summit Leadership Foundation/Church Mobilization Network

Summit is a local area parachurch organization committed to helping churches. Their ministry, the Church Mobilization Network, will often overlap with the work of our local baptist association. We link arms with this ministry and are proud to call it a friend. Visit  

Agape Women's Services

Trinity is a proud partner and supporter of this local ministry based in Johnson City which serves women and their families as they work through the challenges of pregnancy and of being mothers. This non-profit ministry also provides counseling to all women, no matter their past, and supports and values life at every stage. Visit 

The Melting Pot/Our Daily Bread

Once a quarter Trinity serves a meal at Munsey United Methodist Church who sponsors and runs this local ministry that provides three meals a day for the homeless every day. 

F.I.S.H. Ministry

Periodically students at David Crockett High School organize a lunch provided by our church to share the hope of the gospel of Jesus Christ with students who choose to participate. Our members serve the lunch and participate through prayer and giving to fund the Chick-fil-a meals.