How to Become a Christian

Want to know how to become a Christ-follower?

Whatever has led you to this website - questions about God, the church, or just life and the reason for existing - we at Trinity would be honored to show you. 

The Bible tells us that God made all things and all animals and all people, but that people, all of us, have sinned, or chosen our own way in disobedience to God's perfect plan for us. 

This sin has separated us from God, who is holy and cannot by His perfect nature and character, tolerate sin, but must punish it. All humanity is doomed to eternal separation and punishment from God apart from the glorious good news of the gospel, namely, that Jesus Christ, who is one with God the Father and the Holy Spirit (one God, yet three distinct persons), took on human flesh (that's what Christmas is all about), lived a sinless life, died by Roman crucifixion, and rose to life three days later.

This means He, that is Jesus, took the punishment of sin for all who will repent or turn from their sinful lifestyle and trust Jesus as Savior and Lord of their lives. This means that as a follower of Jesus, you aren't just forgiven of all your sin - past, present, and future - but you are given a new heart (spiritual life in Christ) and the gift of the presence of God in you (through the Holy Spirit) forever!

Your journey with Jesus begins with this confession of Jesus as your Savior and Lord and desire for Him to save you and to make you His child. Once that happens, you can be baptized into a local church, like Trinity, who will help you to grow in your knowledge and love for God and others and to use your new heart and the spiritual gifts God gives you at conversion to serve Him and His Church.

We hope you will make this most important decision you can make in life today if you haven't already! Questions? Give us a call at 423-753-4394 and ask to speak with a pastor, or email us at and we'll respond to your questions gladly. 

We also recommend, if you have never read the Bible and don't know where to start, to find the gospel of John in the New Testament and read it as you are able. May the Lord bless you with His saving grace!