What to Expect



What to Expect

Our Sunday Morning Services

Our two morning services are identical in form. Our services last for about an hour or so and involve worship through singing, giving, praying, and preaching. Nursery (0-2) is provided during the 10:45 service.

Our People

Trinity is a multi-generational church that looks a lot like our surrounding community of Jonesborough / Johnson City. We are a diverse group of teachers, engineers, farmers, nurses, and students. We are of all ages, races and income levels. Though we are all different, we share one thing in common: We are all followers of Jesus Christ. 

Our Music

Our music is a reflection of the culture of our congregation, so it is blended. On any given Sunday you'll hear a combination of ancient and modern hymns, praise choruses, and special music by soloists, ensembles, or our worship choir. We have a wide variety of tastes so we seek to serve one another by singing a wide variety of music. We'll sing most anything from the Gettys to the Gaithers. 

Our Preaching

At Trinity we take our preaching very seriously. In fact, it takes up the majority of our services. Each week Pastor Mark will take a passage of Scripture, explain what it means, and then seeks to apply it to everyday life. Our preaching is expository, and it is both theological and practical. Periodically, Pastor Mark will preach on a topic as well.

For those with hearing impairments:
We are pleased to offer an ASL translation of the service provided by volunteers from Trinity. Look for the drum booth on the right side of the sanctuary. Livestreams coming soon.

Both our identical morning services are livestreamed each week for the purpose of helping our homebound members to feel more connected to Trinity and worship with us virtually. You can find the link on our homepage or visit our channel on YouTube. Past services are viewable as well. We are currently working to improve the quality of our livestreams.