
The Worship Ministry at Trinity Baptist Church exists to enhance corporate worship as well as resource individuals and families in the area of personal, daily worship in all of life. Anyone interested in serving in one of these volunteer roles is required to fill out a volunteer form and meet with the Worship Pastor. 





Worship Choir
This group meets weekly on Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. in our worship center choir loft. We sing periodically and seasonally and take a month off each summer. This group is open to all church members (or those considering moving toward church membership) ages 16 and older. No audition required.
Worship Band/Vocal Leadership Team
Our worship team is made up of our vocal leadership team, which rotates each week, and our band, including but not limited to our pianist, drummer, bass guitarist, electric guitarist, keyboardist, violinist, flutist, and worship leader, who plays acoustic guitar on most songs. The Worship Band leads weekly in worship for both services. The Worship Team rehearses once during the week. Audition to display capability is required for placement in the Worship Band and/or Vocal Team.


Audio/Visual/Lighting Team
Our AVL team includes our sound mixing team, media projection/lighting crew, and our livestream and camera operators. These individuals possess skills that are gained mostly during training, which is required. The team rotates weekly, and no person serves in one of these roles more than twice a month in order to prioritize worship with family on the other Sundays. 
Mixed Vocal Ensemble
Twice a year a mixed vocal ensemble prepares music for worship and special services. This group prepares typically more challenging music, sometimes a capella, and rehearses on Sunday afternoons for a few weeks at a time. Like the worship team, this group is lead by Chris.
Handbell Ensemble
Our growing handbell group meets on Sunday evenings following regularly scheduled activities and presents music in worship seasonally and for special services. This group is led by retired music minister and Trinity member, David Clark.
Youth Band
Led by our student minister, Michael, this group meets seasonally to prepare music for the youth group's annual Panama Bible Camp in June as well as in worship periodically throughout the year. Audition required for admittance to this group of vocalists and instrumentalists. See Michael!
Truth Singers
Our children's premier music group, for children Kindergarten through 5th grade, this group meets during fall and spring Equip and presents a Christmas musical annually for our church-wide banquet on a Sunday night in December, and learns music theory, songs, and chimes in the spring. For more information on this group just visit our children's page!


What We Believe About Worship

OUR THEOLOGY: Worship originates in the triune God of the Bible, is for God, and is made possible by God. Psalm 34:3 says, "Oh, magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his name together! We believe exaltation of God in corporate worship is not only one of Trinity's three E's, but is also accomplished in three key ways: gravity (we are to fear and tremble before an Almighty God), gladness (we rejoice in God our salvation), and gratitude (we thank and praise God for all He is and all He has done for us in Christ). (credit: Matt Merker "Corporate Worship")

OUR PHILOSOPHY: The corporate gathering of believers each week ought to be God-honoring, Scripture-fueled, Christ-centered, Spirit-enabled, and Gospel-driven. (credit: Bob Kauflin)

OUR METHODOLOGY: So, practically, this means that our worship gatherings each week will be a mixture of styles that fit the appropriateness of what text we are singing and will also be music that is accessible to a wide range of ages and abilities. It will also contain old as well as newer hymns and songs, most congregational, some by our worship choir or smaller ensembles/individuals. Some of our people use the hymnal when applicable, raise their hands, or wear shorts. Others don't. Those things are not primary, so long as they are sincere and offered unto the Lord. Overall, we seek to honor God and edify one another in our worship at Trinity!