Bulletin Announcements

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Bulletin Announcements July 28, 2024

Posted by Janice Olinger on

TEXT “GIVE” to: 423-301-5010,   contribute  on our website, or drop in the boxes by the entrances.


Please continue to be in prayer for  Pastor Mark and his family: Emma, Mark and Jodie, Gabe and Ellen, Samuel, Kimble and Alma.


During the month of July the Women on Mission are collecting socks and underwear. Thanks so much for your support. The tub is located at the Information desk.



 Sunday, August the 4th The G3 Middle  School Girls will have a table set up where you can purchase a  Sunflower for any donation. Proceeds go toward  their  studies and activities. Thank you.


             Sunday, August 4th at 6:00 p.m. Bring your favorite Ice Cream and join in the fun and fellowship.

               Interested in competing in the Pickleball Tournament? Sign up at the information desk.


                         Hymn Sing “Amazing Grace” on Sunday, August  25th 6:00 p.m. in the Worship Center.


During the month of July, the Women on Mission will be collecting school supplies for the students at Jonesborough           Elementary  School. The most needed  supplies are: loose leaf paper, spiral notebooks, pencils,  crayons,  glue sticks,    backpacks, 3 ring binders (2 & 3) inch.  Red tubs will  be at each door for your contributions.


Back to School Prayer Sunday, August 4th, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. Meeting place at  the New Jonesborough  School Flagpole


                             Youth Explosion-- All Students Paradise Farms July 31st Wednesday  6:30-8:30 p.m.


                                                               Table Ministry

Are you looking to grow in your love and understanding of Christ while building  intentional relationships with your church sisters? Then join the TABLE! Six women of all ages gather around a host’s table for dinner once a month for six months to answer questions designed to point each other closer to Christ and grow in our relationships with one another. Sign-ups begin TODAY, but don’t wait! There are only a limited number of seats. Contact Cara Waddell for more information.


Family Discipleship Retreat

November 15 - November 17

Carson Springs Baptist Conference Center, Newport, TN

Are you struggling to find lasting fruit in your efforts to disciple your kids?  Do you know you should disciple your kids, but you don’t know where to start?  Do you just need some encouragement in discipling your family? Save the dates for our upcoming Family Discipleship Retreat, featuring special guest speaker Dr. David Evans.  This retreat is specifically designed for entire families to spend some time together outside of their normal routines to gain some often-missed quality time.

Rates: $300 - couples of families with infant children who won’t be needing a meal plan

            $350 - families with up to three children needing a meal plan

          $400.00 - families with four or more children needing a meal plan

Registration is now open with SPECIAL EARLY BIRD PRICING!  Enjoy $50.00 OFF  your family registration fee during the month of  JULY! Regular rates apply after AUGUST 5th!


                                                             Trinity Baptist Church  

                                   Evangelizing the Lost  for 40 Years---- Sunday, July 28, 2024

                         “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” – Luke 19:10

                                 “Good Morning Mercies” Worship Choir | Paul King, soloist 

                                               “Hear the Call of the Kingdom”

                                              “May the Peoples Praise You”

                                                   "Jesus Saves”


                                                      Testimony Video 1

                                              Ambassadors of Reconciliation

                                                       2 Corinthians 5:16-21

                                                      Mark Harrod, pastor

                                                    “Come, Jesus Come”

                                                         “We Believe”

                                                Youth Band & Congregation

                                             Scripture Reading-Luke 15:1-7--Maci Denton

                                                               Prayer for Trinity

                                                        Mark Harrod & Zack Wright

                                            Ordinance of Believer’s Baptism-- C.J. Boone

                                                             Testimony Video 2

                                                               “I Got Saved”

                                                             Vocal Team Trio

                                                        “Lift High the Name of Jesus”

                                                                 “I’ll Fly Away”







aradise Farms

6:30 - 8:30 pm 

Wednesday, July 31st




















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