Bulletin Announcements

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Bulletin Announcements -- Sunday, June 9, 2024

Posted by Kim Denton on

Order of Worship

Pre-Service Fellowship Greeting & Prelude

Welcome, Announcements & Call to Worship

Adoration & Praise through Song

“His Mercy Is More”

“By Faith” #361

Promotion Sunday Recognition/Prayer

Readings from 1 & 2 Timothy

Michael Bates, student minister (10:45) 

Thanks & Praise for Salvation In Jesus

“I Will Trust In You”

Lyndi Mumpower

“’Tis So Sweet to Trust In Jesus” #179 

Instruction through the Preaching of God’s Word

Optional Children’s Worship, ages 3 through 1st Grade (10:45)

“Putting Prayer into Practice”

James 5:13-18

Mark Harrod, pastor 

“What a Friend”

Benediction & Charge to Walk in the
Newness of Life in Christ in Peace

Ephesians 3:16-19 

Postlude & Fellowship



June 2, 2024

Sunday School Attendance:   249  Worship Attendance:    397


Giving Options

TEXT “GIVE” to: 423-301-5010,   contribute  on our website, or drop in the boxes by the entrances.


Pray for Emma Harrod

Please continue to be in prayer for  Pastor Mark and his family: Emma, Mark and Jodie, Gabe and Ellen, Samuel,  Kimble and Alma.


Operation Christmas Child

During the month of June the Women on Mission are collecting toys that will fit in the shoeboxes. Thanks so much for your support.  Tub located at Information desk.


Church Workday

On Saturday, June 15th at 8:30 am, we will begin the process of cleaning out the new student  building.  Bring your work gloves, saws, tools and we will get started.  Lunch will be  provided, so sign up at the Information Desk so that we know how many to feed!


Senior Adults on the Road

The Seniors On The Road will travel to the City Garage Car Museum and Aunt Bea’s Country Cooking on Saturday June 22, 2024.  We will leave the church at 9:00 am and return around 1:30 pm.

City Garage Car Museum has a very diverse   collection of cars,  from a 1930 A Model to a 1972 DE Tomaso Pantera Sports Car.

From the car museum we will travel to Aunt Bea’s Home Cooking for lunch.

Be sure to sign up on the Seniors bulletin board in the downstairs lobby.

The cost for the museum is $5.00.  The cost for lunch is your choice.


Father's Day Offering

Please give to the Father’s Day Offering.  When you give to Tennessee Baptist Adult Homes, you are providing Christian residential care for men and women who will likely never be able to live independently.  TBAH has never turned any qualifying individual away, due to financial  reasons. 


Meals Ministry

The Meals Ministry needs for Saturday, June 29th are tossed salad, boiled potatoes and brownies. Please sign  up for one of the above items on the “What’s Happening” board in the  downstairs lobby, and  prepare 14 servings.  Bring your food on    Saturday, June 29th by  9:00 am. 


Promotion Sunday

Today, Sunday School students will attend classes that reflect their class this coming fall.

Please note that students who will be in the 6th or7th grade next school year, will move to the Middle School class today.  We will also  recognize this new season in their lives in our corporate worship service and pray for them together. 

Children’s Worship promotion will take place over the next three weeks.  If you have a rising 2nd grader, please encourage them to be excited about participating with you in our corporate worship service starting the first week in July.



There will be no Pickleball games during Vacation Bible School Week.


Vacation Bible School

Sunday through Thursday    6:15 pm to 8:30  pm


VBS Celebration

Friday, June 14th

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Wetlands Waterpark


Churchwide Picnic

Sunday, July 14th at Rotary Park/Harris Pavilion

4:00 pm - 9:00 p.m.
























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