Bulletin Announcements

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Bulletin Announcements -- Sunday, July 7, 2024

Posted by Kim Denton on

Worship Order

Pre-Service Fellowship Greeting & Prelude

Welcome, Announcements & Call to Worship

Adoration & Praise through Song


“Hear the Call of the Kingdom” #419

Scripture Reading & Corporate Prayer of Confession/Intercession

Isaiah 66:1-2

Pat Boshears

Thanks & Praise for Salvation in Jesus

“Be Thou My Vision”

Worship Team

“Worthy of Worship”

Instruction through the Preaching of God’s Word

Optional Children’s Worship Ages 3 through 1st Grade (10:45)


Isaiah 1

Mark Harrod, pastor

“O Great God” #35

Benediction & Charge to Walk in the Newness of Life in Christ in Peace

1 Corinthians 16:23-24

Postlude & Fellowship




June 30, 2024

Sunday School Attendance: 222    Worship Attendance:  342


Giving Options

TEXT “GIVE” to: 423-301-5010,   contribute  on our website, or drop in the boxes by the entrances.


Pray for Emma Harrod

Please continue to be in prayer for  Pastor Mark and his family: Emma, Mark and Jodie, Gabe and Ellen, Samuel,  Kimble and Alma.


Operation Christmas Child

During the month of July the Women on Mission are collecting socks and underwear. Thanks so much for your support. The tub is located at the Information desk.


Youth Explosion


TUESDAY, July 9th / 2:00 - 4:00 pm

Kings vs Queens II

Meet at Trinity  and we will depart for Fizzy Golf

Cost: $7.00 for golf

 Snacks: Your purchase



Thursday, July 11th/  2:00 - 5:00 pm

Fizzy Golf Challenge 

(Depart from Trinity)

Cost: $7.00 for golf

 Snacks: Your purchase



WEDNESDAY, July 17th / 6:00 - 8:00 pm

Activities/food and fellowship

Student Room / Wear active clothes


FRIDAY, July 19th / 6:30 pm

Meet in the worship center

Parents and Youth Worship Service


Ladies Painting Class

Cheryl Dixon will be hosting another     painting class. This time is for LADIES ONLY on Friday, July 12th in the Chapel at 5:00 pm.  Suggested donation is $20.00.

Please sign up TODAY at the Information Desk.


Christmas in July

During the month of July, the Women on Mission will be collecting school supplies for the students at Jonesborough  Elementary  School. The most needed supplies are: loose leaf paper, spiral notebooks, pencils,  crayons,  glue sticks,    backpacks, 3 ring binders (2 & 3) inch.  Red tubs will  be at each door for your contributions.


Trinity - Forty Years

Evangelizing the  Lost for 40 years

Sunday, July 28th 10:30 am

combined service

3rd of 4 special services in 2024

Children’s Worship & Nursery  provided.


Church-wide Picnic

Next Sunday, July 14th

4:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Rotary Park - Harris Pavilion

Church will provide hamburgers, hot dogs & all the fixin’s.

Please sign up for sides

 in the downstairs lobby.

Tickets are available at the information desk  or church office.


Save the Date

Ice Cream Fellowship!

Sunday, August 4th

At 6:00 p.m.

Bring your favorite

Homemade Ice Cream

Sign up at Information Desk


Men's Ministry

Men’s Ministry Breakfast

Saturday, July 13th, at 9:00 am

in the chapel


Hymn Sing

“Psalms of Praise”

Sunday, August  25th

5:00 p.m.

Worship Center


Birth Announcement


Justin and Samantha Hodge on the birth of their baby boy, born Sunday, June 23, 2024: Blaise Ray Hodge!

8 lbs. 11 oz  20.5 inches long

Brothers: Tristan and Jehu  Sister: Lilly

Grandparents:  Jerry & Susie Brewer



Landon and Alice Maden on the birth of their baby boy, born Sunday, June 30, 2024: 

Neyland Gray Maden!

8 lbs. 11 oz.  21 1/2 inches long

Brothers: Chase and John   Sister: Kate

Grandparents: Tim & Sandy Maden and Gary Leonard

Great Grandmother:  Elizabeth Maden

Great Uncle:  Tony Maden




























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