Bulletin Announcements

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Bulletin Announcements -- Sunday, February 18, 2024

Posted by Kim Denton on

Order of Worship Service

Pre-Service Fellowship Greeting (8:25 & 10:45)

Welcome & Call to Worship

Adoration & Praise through Scripture & Singing
“Revive Us Again”
“Christ, the True and Better”

Scripture Reading & Corporate Prayer of Confession & Intercession
1 John 1:5-2:2
Mark Harrod, pastor

Thanksgiving through Song forSalvation In Jesus our Lord
“The Lord Is My Salvation”

Ordinance of the Lord’s Supper/Receiving of the Bread & Cup
“Great Is Thy Faithfulness”

Instruction through the Preaching of God’s Word
Dismissal for Children’s Worship 3 y/o – 1st Grade (10:45)
James 1:16-18
Mark Harrod, pastor

Benediction/Charge to Go In the Peace of Christ and to Walk In the Newness of Life in Him
“May the Peace of God”


February 11, 2024

Sunday School Attendance:  242  Worship Attendance:  365


Giving Options

TEXT “GIVE” to: 423-301-5010,   contribute  on our website, or drop in the boxes by the entrances.


Pray for Emma Harrod

Please continue to be in prayer for  Pastor Mark and his family: Emma, Mark and Jodie, Gabe and Ellen, Samuel,  Kimble and Alma.


Agape Baby Bottle Fundraiser

Our Agape Women’s Services Baby  Bottle Fundraiser will continue through the  end   of  February.  The  money   collected will benefit Agape Women’s Services in Johnson City. Life is a gift from God, and every life is valuable to Him. Agape offers judgement free support,   resources,  mentoring, free ultrasounds and coaching to help women in our community  facing an unplanned  pregnancy.

You may pick up a baby bottle from the  display in the downstairs lobby, fill with your spare change or a check.  Please return all baby  bottles by  Sunday,  February 25th.


Seniors on the Road

The Seniors on the Road will have lunch together in the Chapel on

Sunday, March 10th. Lunch will be served  following the 10:45 service.

The menu is vegetable beef soup cornbread muffins, coleslaw drink, and dessert.

Sign up on the Seniors bulletin board in the downstairs lobby.


Operation Christmas Child

During 2024, from January through October, the Women on Mission will be collecting essential items for Operation Christmas Child.   For the month of  February, we will be collecting hats, gloves and scarves.  Look for the collection bin with the Operation Christmas Child signs.


Evangelism Training

“Make a Difference - M.A.D.

“Lifestyle Evangelism Training”

Led by Don Sunshine      

Saturday, March 9, 2024

9:30 am - 2:30 pm

Believers and nonbelievers alike are stressed by  the  very  thought  of  evangelism.  Don Sunshine equips believers to share the gospel in a  natural and easy way.  He has taught the  M. A. D. approach to evangelism to over 500 groups and has partnered with the Billy Graham Evangelistic   Association.  M. A. D.  events  are   informative, beneficial, and fun.  (Just in case you are wondering, there  is  no  role-playing evangelistic scenarios.)  Save this date to learn more about  sharing your faith!

We will be serving a light breakfast and lunch.  Please sign-up if you are  planning to attend this one day session, so that enough food will be ordered.


Membership and Baptism

If you would like more information on  salvation, baptism or how to become a member of Trinity Baptist Church, please contact our church office by phone 423-753-4394 or contact us by email: .


Pre-Order Candy Eggs

The Women of Joy are taking pre-orders ONLY for coconut and peanut butter eggs with white or milk chocolate coating.  The cost is $4.00 per egg.                   

Funds will be used for shipping Operation Christmas Child to pay for shipping shoeboxes, lunch for the Melting Pot , helping with the Johnson City HBA Baptist Center and various other mission projects.  Sign up at the Information Desk in the foyer.  Deadline to order: March 10th.   Pick-up date: March 17th.


Easter at Trinity

SATURDAY, MARCH 23: Egg-stravagant Resurrection Celebration  Chapel/Gym, and Church Campus  10:00 a.m. - Noon

MONDAY-WEDNESDAY, March 25-27: Holy Week Devotions  and Light Lunch 11:30 a.m. in the Chapel

THURSDAY, MARCH 28: Maundy-Thursday Services  Nursery provided/No Children’s Activities  7:00 p.m. in the Worship Center

GOOD FRIDAY, MARCH 29: Service of Darkness  Nursery Provided/No Children’s Activities   7:00 p.m.  in the Worship Center

EASTER SUNDAY, MARCH 31 : Easter Services at 8:30  and 10:45 a.m.      No evening activities















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