Bulletin Announcements

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Bulletin Announcements -- Sunday, June 30, 2024

Posted by Kim Denton on

Order of Worship

Pre-Service Fellowship Greeting & Prelude

Welcome, Announcements & Call to Worship

Adoration & Praise through Song

“Oh, How Good It Is” #332


Scripture Reading & Corporate Prayer of Confession/Intercession

1 Timothy 2:1-6

Mark Harrod, pastor

Thanks & Praise for Salvation In Jesus

“Alpha and Omega” (10:45)

Worship Choir

“Christ Is Risen He Is Risen Indeed” #308

Instruction through the Preaching of God’s Word

Optional Children’s Worship Ages 3 through 1st Grade (10:45)


James 5:19-20

Mark Harrod, pastor 

“I Need Thee Every Hour” #416 

Benediction & Charge to Walk in the
Newness of Life in Christ in Peace

Psalm 32:1-2 

Postlude & Fellowship



June 23, 2024

Sunday School Attendance: 209       Worship Attendance:  291


Giving Options

TEXT “GIVE” to: 423-301-5010,  contribute  on our website, or drop in the boxes by the entrances.


Pray for Emma Harrod

Please continue to be in prayer for  Pastor Mark and his family: Emma, Mark and Jodie, Gabe and Ellen, Samuel,  Kimble and Alma.


Operation Christmas Child

During the month of June the Women on Mission are collecting toys that will fit in the shoeboxes. Thanks so much for your support. Tub located at the Information desk.


Churchwide Picnic

Sunday, July 14th

4:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Rotary Park - Harris Pavilion

Church will provide hamburgers, hot dogs & all the fixin’s.

Please sign up for sides in the downstairs lobby.

Tickets are available at the information desk or church office.


Meals Ministry

The Meals Ministry needs for Saturday, June 29th are tossed salad, boiled  potatoes and brownies. Please sign  up for one of the above items on the “What’s Happening” board in the  downstairs  lobby, and  prepare 14 servings.  Bring your food on Saturday, June 29th by  9:00 am. 


Painting Class

Cheryl Dixon will be hosting another painting class. This time is for LADIES ONLY on Friday, July 12th in the Chapel at 5:00 pm.  Suggested donation is $20.00.

Please sign up at the Information Desk.


Trinity / 40 Years

Evangelizing the  Lost for 40 years

Sunday, July 28th 10:30 am

combined service

3rd of 4 special services in 2024

Children’s Worship & Nursery  provided.


Christmas in July

During the month of July, the Women on Mission will be collecting school supplies for the students at Jonesborough           Elementary and  Jonesborough Middle School. The most needed supplies are: loose leaf paper, spiral notebooks, pencils,  crayons,  glue sticks, backpacks, 3 ring binders (2 & 3) inch.  Red tubs will  be at each door for your contributions.


Goforth's address

Keith, Jennifer and Hannah Goforth

12946 Meadow Pointe Lane

Farragut, TN  37934



WE WELCOME ALL TO WORSHIP TODAY: First time guests are invited to complete a Guest Response and drop it in the  offering boxes as you exit the Worship Center.          

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If you would like more information on how to become a member of Trinity Baptist Church, please contact our church office by phone 423-753-4394 or by email:  .




























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